I’m so thrilled to introduce you to my new brand new partnership with an amazing organization helping single moms!
I’m SO happy to share this news with you today – on International Women’s Day – a day where we recognize and celebrate incredible women! I’ve teamed up with Kaleo Collective to do what I can to help them help single moms in our community. Being a mom can be hard, even when you have someone to share the duties with. Single moms are some of the strongest women I know.
Kaleo Collective got on my radar a couple of years ago and I’m sure you’ve heard me chat about them here and there on Instagram. When I first met Layna (Kaleo founder), we instantly connected. She truly has a beautiful soul and an amazing story. She’s channelled her personal life experiences into this amazing organization that I’ll have her tell you all about. Further down in this post you’ll find details on how you can specifically help out Kaleo.
Without further ado, meet, Layna!
What is Kaleo Collective?
Kaleo Collective is a charity that helps break cycles of emotional and financial poverty for single mothers and their children and help them build bright futures! We offer programs and services that focus on building community, healing, and personal growth
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Why did you start Kaleo?
I had my son Austin when I was 16 and was a single mom for 8 years. That was hard. The things that made the biggest difference were the little things. People who checked to see how I was, those who offered to watch the baby so I could shower, dropped off a meal etc. I credit those little things with giving me the strength to do the big things.
Kaleo means to invite. That is what Kaleo does – we invite women into a community where they can give and receive the little things, so they can do the big things. It is about empowering women- seeing them, valuing them and believing in them.
What services are available to single parents?
Kaleo connects! We connect women to:
One another: We have a private Facebook Group called the Single Mom Sisterhood where moms will share and ask advice and encourage one another. We have weekly Single Mom Support Group Meet ups and fun events all through the year (Park Play Dates, Family BBQ’s, camping trips, Mother’s Day and Christmas events where the children get to pick their mom a gift and take home a meal and more).
Healing: We have a partnership with The Grief & Trauma Healing Centre and their team of psychologists. They run Grief Recovery courses, therapeutic groups and offer individual counselling for Kaleo women and children (subsidization based on available funds). We refer to agencies that provide additional services.
Growth: We bring in speakers regularly to teach and educate. Social work support is available and comes with a goal setting session and a personalized resource list. The Single Mom Resource Course is 8 weeks of learning new skills (time management, meal planning, budgeting, etc.) Courses, book studies, groups. In 2021, the Kaleo women spend 2,125 hours bettering their lives through programs!
Leadership opportunities: Our Kaleo moms organize events, moderate our Facebook Group, write thank you letters, help us fundraise, are mentors
How You Can Help Out
If you know a single mom who could use some love and support on her journey, send her our way! If you were raised by a single mom or have one you know and admire, and you want to help other single moms, consider donating or volunteering with us! We welcome all to join the Kaleo Family ❤️
Donate to Kaleo Collective HERE
Watch for two amazing fundraisers this year!
Love You, Mama
When: May 7, 2022
Mother’s Day is just as important for little ones as it is for moms! Kids from single-mom homes will have the chance to treat their moms this Mother’s Day! On May 7, Kaleo will open a no-charge “flower shop” where only kids are allowed. They’ll get a personalized bouquet to give to their mom, a small gift, and a meal to take home.
Donate and get all the details here.
Little Santas
When: December, 2022
A special day that allows children from single-parent homes to experience the true meaning of Christmas. On December 17th, 2022 Santa’s Workshop will open and kids can pick out a gift for their mom or dad!

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