The Best Smelling Men’s Skincare products that will make you want to steal your guy’s stuff! I actually do! 🙂
It all started a couple of years ago when Ryan would lean in to kiss me and every single time I would say “You smell SO good! What is that?” After a brief investigation, we figured out it was Jack Black’s Turbo Wash which has hints of rosemary, eucalyptus, and juniper berry. As you can imagine, I encouraged him to continue use and now Jack Black is a staple in our house (I even steal it from Ry sometimes)!
You’re gonna love this stuff! Jack Black is an American company that launched about 21 years ago after noticing a lack of luxury skincare products for men. All Jack Black products are cruelty-free, paraben-free, and free of harsh ingredients. Almost all the products are vegan, free of artificial colourants, and safe for sensitive skin. Not to mention, they smell amazing! In addition to the list below, we also love The Reserve Line which features products with hints of cardamom, lavender, and bergamot.
For my local friends, you can find Jack Black at Lux Beauty Boutique! Otherwise, click the links below to shop. Here are our favourite’s from the Jack Black line!
Our Faves From Jack Black
Have you ever tried this line? Share your faves in the comment section below.
Lifestyle Shots: Dallas Curow
Product shots: Jack Black
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Thank you to Jack Black Canada for sponsoring this post! As always, thoughts and opinions are my own.
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