I truly believe animals can sense things before we do. Here’s our story of animal intuition with our boxer Moses.
Animal Intuition
I just know it – animals just know! Maybe it depends on the animal but the stories I’ve read and a few things we’ve experienced truly solidify this theory for me. Our first moment was small but equally as significant to the one I’ll share further down in the post.
Story #1
When I was pregnant with Wyatt, I remember having a chat with Moses about the baby soon to arrive. I was telling him things were going to change, but our love for him would stay the same. He was looking at me like he understood what I was saying, and then he rested his head on my belly. The tears came as I just sat there watching the rise and fall of his gorgeous furry head on my big bump, housing our baby-to-be. It was a very special moment.
Story #2
One of the reasons we chose a Boxer is because they’re typically really great with kids. That has definitely proven to be the case for us. One night, I was working in my office with the baby monitor beside me (Wyatt was just over a year old), when Moses suddenly ran up to Wyatt’s room and started scratching at the door. This is something Moses had NEVER done before. Keeping in mind what I had heard over the years about the amazing intuition of animals, I opened the door to see what was going on.
Wyatt popped his head up and looked at me like “Mom, why are you bothering me?”, followed by me looking at Moses thinking, ‘Dude, what the heck?” It wasn’t until the next morning when Moses again raced to Wyatt’s room and scratched at the door when I realized what he was trying to tell me. I opened the door to find out that Wyatt had gotten sick everywhere (I’ll spare you the details). I’m not sure if the first time Moses ran up he just sensed it was about to happen before it did but either way he knew something was wrong. Extra treats that day!
Do you believe in animal intuition? I would love to hear your stories! Share them in the comment section below.
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I definitely do! I spent more time than I care to admit talking to my dog in high school, and she was a really great listener! I also know a cat who always comes when her human mom is crying – it’s really beautiful.