Hidden gems, cool local products, and unique events happening in the Edmonton area.
Scroll down to see what made your Local Love List this week!
The Local Love List is published every Friday. Be sure to pop back next week to see what’s up!
Gibbard Block Is Open!
- The long-awaited, much-anticipated Gibbard Block is now buzzing with business! Three tenants opened their doors this week on the main floor – June’s Delicatessen, Highlands Liquor, and Fox Burger!
- The historic building at the corner of 112th and 65th street (Highlands) underwent a year-long overhaul and restoration made possible by a successful Kickstarter campaign. The next phase includes plans for a 3,000 ft co-work space on the second floor and back patio as well as an eight-suite bed and breakfast on the third floor. More on that here.
Plant-Based Lunch Box
- Time to up your lunchbox game! Next Saturday, September 28, Marni Ashcroft – the owner of Glow Juicery and Jenna Pryor – co-owner of Plum Home + Design are hosting a healthy lunch and snack inspiration event. It goes down from 2-3pm at Plum (Oliver Exchange Building). You’ll learn how to get creative with your plant-based meal planning so your kids get excited to eat healthy! Only 20 spots are available. Sign up here!
Community League Day
- Here’s a great way to get to know your neighbours! Tomorrow (Saturday, September 21) is Community League Day in Edmonton. This year, over 50 Community Leagues are hosting free family-friendly events to celebrate.
The day is full of accessible activities for all with programming ranging from community-harvested dinners to karaoke showdowns and firework displays! Here’s a full map with all Community League Day events
Prairie Grid
- A truly cool culinary experience is happening tomorrow (Saturday, September 21) in Edmonton and somehow there are still a few tickets available! Prairie Grid, Canada’s only travelling pop-up restaurant and celebrates all aspects of Prairie food and creative culture. Top chefs from cities across Canada come together to create an innovative meal while you experience fashion, art, and live music. Details and tickets here.
Floc Boutique
- The perfect way to get rid of those jeans you don’t wear anymore. Denim Days is on Floc Boutique until September 28. Donate a pair of gently-used denim and get 20% off a new pair! Donations will be made to Terra Centre which empowers pregnant and parenting teens to succeed.
Vegan Pierogis
- We stumbled upon these amazing vegan pierogis at the 124 Street Grand Market last Thursday. The vegan options include vegan cheese and potato and coconut bacon and potato, made with local and organic ingredients. Absolutely delicious! You can also pick some up at The Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market every Saturday. Check them out on Instagram here.
Local Gift Catalogue
- Edmonton Made has released it’s fresh Gifted catalogue featuring 107 amazing creations from 86 locally-based companies. You can flip through the curated third edition right here. Never too early to start shopping for Christmas!
Bacon Day For Mental Health
- There’s an awesome event happening tomorrow night (Saturday, September 21) aimed around creating positive mental health in the hospitality industry. In The Weeds is a group passionate about creating a healthy and safe working environment for members of the Edmonton food and beverage community. They’re hoping to raise $30K this year for programs and support. Proceeds from this year’s Bacon Day Collaboration will go to In the Weeds. Tickets here!
Understanding Human Trafficking
- Learn more about the prevalence of human trafficking in Edmonton at an event hosted by The Virtual Effect next Thursday, September 26. Here are more details and tickets to Elevate: Understanding Human Trafficking.
New At KariSkelton.com
Ethically-Made, Snake-Inspired Leather Boots: Here’s how I styled my new ethically-made, snake-inspired leather boots definitely the ‘It’ print of the season! Shop my look here.
Dress Up, Dress Down Joggers: These dress up, dress down joggers are so versatile and comfy! Shop my look here.
How To Style Your Lululemon Mom Uniform: I’ve teamed up with a few of my Canadian Insta Mom friends to show you how to style your Lululemon Mom Uniform. Find links to shop all outfits here!
Read past Local Love Lists here!
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Do you know of any hidden gems, cool local product, or unique events happening in the Edmonton area that may be a fit for the Local Love List? Please email me!

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