Find helpful resources and hear from credible voices when it comes to fertility, pregnancy, and the vaccine.
The fertility journey can be a rough one on its own, nevermind during a pandemic. I know this is a polarizing topic, but I still want to go there. I know we all just want to do the best for our babies and our bodies. That’s why it’s important now, more than ever, to pay attention to where our information is coming from.
We’ve been on a journey to have another baby for two and a half years now. Like many of you, when the pandemic hit, and later when the vaccine came out, I had many questions about trying to conceive. Would contracting Covid affect my fertility? Could the vaccine affect my fertility? When I did get pregnant – should I get the vaccine? Should I wait until a certain trimester? What are the potential risks?
After much research from accredited health professionals and speaking with my own doctor, I got both doses of the vaccine (and would have if I were pregnant). Here are a few resources I’ve found helpful when it comes to fertility, pregnancy, and the vaccine:
#1: Dr. Stephanie Cooper, High-Risk Obstetrics, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Calgary Foothills Hospital
Dr. Cooper shares credible resources, factual information, and first-hand accounts when it comes to treating pregnant patients during a pandemic. Follow her on Twitter here. Check out her website here.
#2: Covid + Pregnancy Roundtable on Real Talk
Dr. Verena Kuret and Dr. Eliana Castillo outlined the dire health implications for pregnant people who contract COVID-19, and how effective vaccines are, throughout this informative interview. New mom María Castrellón explained the source of her vaccine hesitancy, and why she ultimately decided to get the shot. Watch here.
#3: ‘Babies After 35’ on Instagram
Dr. Shannon Clark, a double board-certified OBGYN specialist in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, is a wealth of creditable information when it comes to COVID and the vaccine, especially while trying to conceive, and/or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Dr. Clark debunks “fake news,” and is a fabulous follow. Check her out here.
#4: The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
SOGC posts the most relevant material and up-to-date research findings surrounding Covid and pregnancies on its website. Get it all here.
#5: Fertility and Pregnancy Podcast
Fertility Physician Dr. Natalie Crawford hosts ‘As A Woman,’ where she aims to empower and educate women on everything to do with COVID-19, fertility, and pregnancy. Listen to her podcast here and check out her YouTube channel here.
(Don’t be misled by the caption in the video – Dr. Crawford is walking through some of the reasons vaccine hesitancy exists!)
Any resources to add to the list? Please post them in the comment section below.
Join me on my Instagram where we get into great parenting chats!
I frequently share resources and information I come across throughout our journey to have another baby.
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Hey Kari, congratulations on baby #2! I had a question about the acupuncture you received for conception. I’m 37 and my kiddo is 3, and we have been trying since September to get pregnant with #2. With Our first, we literally ‘tried’ for two weeks….so this time around has thrown us for a bit of a loop. Any advice/info on what worked for you would be most appreciate. Thank you so much, and happy baby growing 🤗~ Jamie (@rusticcountrydesignsjs)
Hey Jamie!
It was the same type of situation with us too. With our first pregnancy, we got pregnant the second try and it took us six months with Wyatt. Our first pregnancy, unfortunately, ended at 15 weeks. I believe my body was out of whack from the miscarriage and that’s why it took us longer to conceive Wyatt. As soon as I started acupuncture, we got pregnant right away!
This time around we tried for 2.5 years and I was doing acupuncture at that time with no results. For us, it finally happened after we took the summer off of trying. I stopped everything I was doing to ‘try’. It was our first month back when it finally clicked! I will say many people I speak with note the male side of things and I think it’s important to look into it. From what I understand, lifestyle choices like smoking weed, hot tubs, etc. can really affect motility and quality of sperm.
The acupuncture was great for keeping me chill and everything flowing nicely. I would still recommend investing in overall wellness. I did do a womb healing with Fertility Kate which was amazing and so wild! Super effective. Her website is here:
Hope that helps! All the love to you on your journey!