It sure feels good to unplug, doesn’t it? Don’t get me wrong: I love social media, texting with friends, researching and writing on my laptop, and watching TV. But powering down not only feels like a deep breath in my soul, I feel it’s necessary for my mental health. Being a mom, I feel like I’m becoming more and more aware of the need to power down. I’m all for tech in our lives when used properly, but you have to create boundaries for yourself and your kids. We’re eager to raise our children to appreciate the value and necessity of technology, but enjoy it in moderation at the same time.
This is one of the many reasons why I love trips like ours to my parents place in The Middle of Nowhere, Saskatchewan. Days are spent outside (remember being a kid, and your parents simply telling you to be home for supper?). Meals are made with items from the garden, and afternoons are capped off reading a book on the deck with a glass of wine, soaking in those famous prairie sunsets. (Sometimes we take our wine to the old farm road for a viewing party.)
We ventured out at the end of August, which is such a lovely time to go because it’s harvest. Farmers are working around the clock in their fields (which is a dream for my little two-year-old who is all about tractors). We watched the farmers and the sunsets every day.
One of the many special parts about the property my parents live on is the orchard. A hammock swings between two big, beautiful apple trees overlooking the rolling farmland. My mom uses the apples to whip up most delicious pies and applesauce.
I loved watching Wyatt picking apples off the tree and vegetables from the garden and learning all about it. Mom and I made some homemade ketchup with the garden tomatoes- recipe here.
This time of year is also when my parents collect the honey from their bees. I was able to learn all about the process with my dad one afternoon. I promise you, this is the best honey you’ll ever taste. I’m still trying to get my parents to sell it online!
My favourite part of an adventure like this is watching my boys. I see different sides of Wyatt’s personality come to the surface as he takes in so many new things. Our dog Moses is outside all day long and comes in with muddy feet from exploring the property. (No leash for almost two weeks. It feels good to be naked!)
I feel pretty blessed our boys get to experience a place like this. Where do you like to unplug?
This is what my parents’ place is like in the winter.

Great photos! Especially the one w Wyatt w Gary by the bale. And the one w Gramma D. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
our prairie gal and family. Miss you Kari.Just wonderful pics !
Wonderful pics! It looks like a special place.