My booty and I have been on quite the journey together. I’ve learned to love my lady lumps,
and recently treated my behind to a little pick-me-up! Here’s my experience with Velashape.
Someone emailed me anonymously in high school to tell me, “You have a fat ass.” Teenagers can be so cruel. At the time, I was devastated. I didn’t have the same self confidence then as I do now, to be able to brush it off. I can tell you, words used as weapons can have long-lasting effects.
Years later, I’m over it! As the years have passed, I’ve learned to embrace what I’ve got. I’m proud of my curves! I work out not to shrink the size of my booty, but to be strong, fit, and healthy. Leading up to our Mexico trip this past January, I indulged in several Velashape sessions at Lipstick Empire Laser Spa. I had treatments on my bum, thighs, and tummy as a little add-on to all the hard work I put in staying healthy. I really loved it!
What is Velashape?
I like to say Velashape is a relaxing butt massage that gives your bum a little lift! It can get a little hot, but you take breaks throughout. My friends at Lipstick Empire Laser Spa describe it as…
…a non-invasive circumferential reduction treatment that uses gentle heat to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, and contour the body. Using a combination of heat, suction, and rollers, VelaShape® targets trouble-spots that diet and exercise leave behind, and is ideal for clients looking to visibly reduce the appearance of cellulite, and prevent future cellulite growth.
…Patients in a clinical trial found that VelaShape® reduced the appearance of cellulite without altering diet or lifestyle. However, healthy eating habits, exercise, and maintenance treatments are encouraged for optimal results.

Justine Martinson, Owner of Lipstick Empire Photo: Des Iles Photography
Velashape Results
Within about two weeks, I could tell my booty was sitting a little higher, and the cellulite on my thighs and butt was less noticeable. Now, this isn’t the end of the journey, friends. You don’t just get to sit on your perfectly-raised booty and do nothing! For me, this is an add-on to exercise, like guac on the side of a big beautiful plate of nachos. It’s not the whole deal, but it definitely acts as an enhancement!
Cost of Velashape and Treatment Plan
The team at Lipstick Empire recommends three to six weekly sessions to kick things off, followed by a maintenance program. Velashape is $350 per treatment at Lipstick Empire Laser Spa. For the entire month of May when you purchase a Velashape three-treatment package, you’ll get the fourth treatment FREE just by mentioning me (Kari Skelton and when booking! Get in touch with the LE team here.
My mantra still remains: eat healthy, get rest, do things that make you happy, and exercise. These are the number one things for achieving overall health and feeling your best. I’m also a believer in doing what’s good for you! If you feel good getting a little butt lift, do it! It seems women who indulge in the odd medical or laser treatment are shamed for doing so, and companies who offer and promote these services receive similar attacks. Do what makes you happy!
Don’t forget to pin this to your Self Care and Beauty Treatments boards and follow me on Pinterest here!
Thank you to Lipstick Empire for teaming up for this service for post partnership!
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