Hidden gems, cool local product, and unique events in the Edmonton area.
Here’s what’s on your Local Love List this week!
The Local Love List is published the first Friday of every month at KariSkelton.com! Thank you for continuing to read my blog and support my small business!
New Lebanese Catering
- This brand new Lebanese catering business has been recommended to me by several people and I can’t wait to try it! Franco’s Goodies, owned and operated by Francesca El Ghossein, is ‘blending tradition and innovation’ with freshly made Lebanese delights for any occasion. Check them out on Instagram here and put in your order here.
Indigenous Tourism Alberta
- Here’s a great Instagram account to follow! Indigenous Tourism Alberta is a non-profit organization devoted to sharing, growing and promoting authentic, sustainable and culturally rich Indigenous tourism experiences. I’m especially interested in checking out Metis Crossing – a Metis cultural interpretive centre near Smoky Lake.
Buno Designs
- Loving these earrings from Buno Designs! Co-founder and sustainable jewelry designer Esmahan Abdallah was also the host of my Takeover Tuesday this week! Watch it here.
Takeover Tuesday
- Each Tuesday on my Instagram Stories you can watch Takeover Tuesday – a feature I started earlier this summer to help amplify voices that deserve to be heard. These are people you need to meet, stories that need to be shared…stories that aren’t mine. They’re people that inspire me, and I suspect they may have the same impact on you. If you’ve missed any, check out the “Highlights’ section on my Instagram to watch.
Take-Out Coffee
- I’m continuously amazed at how local businesses are evolving in this pandemic. Overflow, which operates inside the Roots Building on Whyte Ave and 102 Street, can serve you their delicious treats, tea, coffee drinks, and fresh juice via their (fairly) new takeout window. Open 9-4 every day. Check them out on Instagram here.
Pretty Masks
- Found another great local mask company! Brick House Goods makes cotton non-medical grade masks for adults and kids in neutrals, florals, and animal print. Each comes with an adjustable ear elastic. They’re available online, at Shop the Skinny and Red Ribbon Boutique. Check them out here!
Check out a ton of other awesome local shops creating here: Edmonton Made Masks and Hand Sanitizer.
Safekeeping Series
- Follow along on my friend and photographer, Dallas Curow’s Safekeeping Series on her Instagram, as she captures the emotional resilience of women during the pandemic. The photos are snapped through windows of the their homes “as a way of both maintaining physical distance and also documenting their experience of keeping safe during this time’. It’s really beautiful! View here.
Ultimate Baby Gift
- The Bundle Box is a curated gift box created by local mom Jessica Kent, with essentials for babies (and something extra for moms)! All items in the box are handmade by Canadian makers and sustainably packaged. Order yours here. Check them out on Instagram here.
Corn Maze New Design
- The 2020 Edmonton Corn Maze design is perfect, wouldn’t you say? The Corn Maze is up and running until October 24th (read their COVD-19 procedures and protocols here).
Book Truck Update
- Daisy Chain Book Co. – a local bookshop truck is opening up a brick and mortar location this fall. They’re moving into the old Pear Tree location of High Street (12525-102 Ave). Stay tuned to their Instagram for updates and check out their website here.
Know Book Nominations
- Know is a “tribe” that elevates and connects female leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs with chapters in parts of the U.S and Canada. Edmonton’s Know Book is coming out this fall and there’s still a bit more time to nominate a woman you KNOW who should be included. Do that here!
Single Serve Charcuterie
- How perfect is this for those small get-togethers while social distancing?! Fleish is out with single-serve boxes of meat and cheese boards so only your fingers are touching your food. 🙂 Email them to put in your order: info@fleischyeg.com.
Little Ryley Farm Experience
- This sounds like a perfect way to spend an August afternoon! Little Ryley Farms is an On-Farm Market and Veggie U-Pick just an hour south-east of Edmonton. Read all about them here. In this pandemic world, you can actually make a reservation at the U-Pick (awesome!). Do that here!
Take-Home Meals
- I’m hearing great things about Al Centros’s take-home meals! You can order full meals, soups, pasta sauces, and more. They also have an online marketplace opening this fall. Check them out here!
Read more Local Love Lists here!
Do you know of any hidden gems or cool local product happening in the Edmonton area that may be a fit for the Local Love List? Please email me!
New at KariSkelton.com:
How To Throw A Super-Cool Buzz Lightyear Birthday Party. Tips, links to shop, and all the photos of Wyatt’s fourth birthday party here.
These Nectarine Basil Margaritas are the perfect combo of sweetness and salt! Made with fresh basil, lemon, Honey Syrup, and beautiful nectarines, it’s such a refreshing summertime treat! Get the recipe here.

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