Welcome, Noah Orville!
Hello! This blog post has certainly been a long time coming. The past several months have been a whirlwind since welcoming our sweet little guy. I suppose this is his official blog birth announcement!
Noah Orville Jespersen was born on June 2, 2022 at 10:46 p.m. 6 lbs, 8 oz and everyone (including us) thinks he looks exactly like his big brother. We joke they’re twins born seven years apart. (You can watch the moment they met – here)
It’s been such a special time for our family, especially after several years of struggles to conceive. We’ve been really soaking in the moments as time flies by so quickly in the first year of life. I’ll be diving into the birth story here at KariSkelton.com pretty soon, but for now, I wanted to share some of the beautiful photos from our newborn photo shoot back in July with our friend, Dallas Curow.
It was such a fun afternoon. Somehow the stars aligned, and the nap and feeding timing all worked out! Everything was super chill and relaxed (which isn’t always the case with family photos). It always blows my mind how calm and cool Dallas is during a photo shoot, despite the chaos around her. Thank you, Dallas, for these gorgeous photos!
Thank you for sharing in our joy in welcoming our Noah!
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