My pregnancy Q&A with only a few weeks to go!
Answering all of your questions as we’re closing in on the final few weeks before our Junebug arrives!
What does the nursery look like?
We actually aren’t doing a nursery right off the bat! You’ll remember about a year and a half ago we revamped our guest room with the help of our friends at Simone + Ivy. With a bunch of family coming to visit over the summer, we’re going to leave the guest room set up as-is for now but it will eventually flip to a nursery. We have a bassinet for Junebug which we’ll keep in our room. The guest room closet will have all of JB’s things and we’ll have a mobile diaper changing station to move from room to room. Sounds a little all over the place but I think it will work! We’ll see though. I’ll report back. 🙂
With Wyatt we had everything set and ready to go months in advance. So different with this babe! Check out this throwback to Wyatt’s Earthy Vintage Nursery for some inspo.
Do you plan on nursing?
I do! That is the plan but, as we all know, with babies, plans can change. I feel so much more educated and prepared with it this time compared to when Wyatt was born. We really struggled in the beginning (I pumped and syringe fed him for the first three weeks). Thanks to a great lactation consultant and some cranial sacral on sweet baby Wy, we ended up rocking the nursing game until 15 months. I feel more confident nursing everywhere this time but I actually didn’t love feeding in public before. You can read My Breastfeeding Confessions for all those details.
Did you end up hiring a doula?
We did! There were too many endorsements for the doula experience to ignore. I have the best OB, will deliver at the hospital, and will have a birth doula and a postpartum doula from Beautiful Blessings here in our home city of Edmonton, Alberta.
How is Wyatt feeling about everything?
He is super excited! He told me the other day – I’m coming to the hospital and I’m cutting the cord! LOL! Unfortunately, kiddos aren’t allowed in with Covid rules right now but I know that first meet up at home is going to be something so special. Check out the moment we told him he’s going to be a big brother!
How are you feeling?
I’m feeling large. LOL! Baby has dropped and Braxton Hicks are in full force. I didn’t get these with Wy so it’s all new to me. I’m still continuing my acupuncture with Park Integrative Health and have been doing massage as well. Ever since about 31 weeks everything just feels like such an extra effort. I also can’t seem to make it through the day without a nap. 🙂
Are you having a baby shower?
We’re not. We did have a smaller one with close friends before Wyatt and it was amazing. This time we’ll probably do some sort of super casual sip’n’see once Junebug is here.
What are you bringing to the hospital?
I’m putting it together this week! We just had a great call with our doula about what to bring and not bring. I am making gift baskets for the labour and delivery team. I’ll be sharing all of this over on my Instagram in the next week or so.
Do you have names picked out?
Oh boy! This one has been a challenge. Ry and I cannot agree on any names. Well, we do have two girl names but zero boy names. So, if Junebug is a boy he will be nameless for the first little bit.
What are you buying for the baby?
We have so much stuff from when Wyatt was baby so there isn’t a ton to purchase. We’re using a bassinet this time around, getting a new monitor, and have picked up the Snuggle Me Organic Lounger which came highly recommended. We also bought the Baby Breeza Sterilizer which I’m excited about. Most of the stuff we have is from this list.
Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below!
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Bassinets are the best I had one with my youngest